The Internet provides many ways to make money, but you can really make money on it only if you start your own business. In this case, you work for yourself and only you, the client and competitors regulate your income. If the industry in which you decide to start a business is connected with the Internet, you can start earning with little or no investment.
It is necessary
- - A computer
- - The Internet
Step 1
Identify the industry in which you decide to work based on what you have the most experience in or what you know best. There are several main directions - this is working with text and working with sites. Despite the diversity of work, the scheme for opening a case is the same.
Step 2
Open the site first. Do not cut your budget in this matter - you will order a new site it is not known when, and what you order now will be the first thing that your clients and potential employees will see.
Step 3
Choose a staff based on three main points: diligence, professionalism, speed. All your employees should be in touch and regularly monitor their e-mail, there can be no question of increasing the lead time or postponement - this fact should be punished with penalties.
Step 4
Look for clients. In order to look for clients, it is possible to have a staff of freelance managers who will receive a certain percentage of the order amount, which will be controlled by you.
Step 5
Submit your work on a regular basis, create a simple and accessible feedback system, according to which your clients will be able to assess your professionalism and the level of services provided.