Reversal of VAT is required if corrections are made to the primary documents after the registration of the defective document in the purchase book. If the error was discovered earlier, then there is no need to reverse the VAT.

Step 1
If you find an error in the invoice, ask the supplier of goods or services not to correct it, but to replace it with a document in which all the data will be correct. The number and date must be stored in it. If this cannot be done, then all corrections are certified by the seal of the organization and the signature of the head. The document is dated for revision and is sent to the buyer.
Step 2
Having received the defective document before registering it, the buyer accepts the corrections, records the correct data in the purchase book and accepts VAT deduction.
Step 3
If you receive a revised invoice after registration, proceed differently. First, cancel your purchase book entry. To do this, fill out an additional sheet in the book. Until mid-2008, the revised invoice was recorded in the purchase book on the date the revision was made to the document. Now, according to the Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation of June 3, 2008 N 615/08, the adjusted invoice is entered on an additional sheet of the date when the document was issued, and not corrected.
Step 4
If you keep an electronic shopping book, correct it retroactively. In this case, an additional sheet is not drawn up.
Step 5
Fill out and submit to the tax office the corrected value-added tax return. Moreover, the period for which you will hand over this document must be the one in which the VAT was deducted.
Step 6
Example. In August 2009, LLC "Oblako" shipped goods to LLC "Solntse" in the amount of 11,800 rubles, including VAT of 1,800 rubles. When drawing up the invoice, the supplier's accountant made a mistake and, instead of the required amount, delivered 1180, including VAT of 180 rubles. According to the primary document, the accountant of Solntse LLC made an entry in the purchase book for the third quarter: D-t 19 K-t 60 - 180 rubles VAT included on purchased goods; D-t 68 K-t 19 - VAT is accepted for deduction.
Step 7
The error was discovered only in December, the accountant of Solntse LLC must reverse VAT in the purchase book for the third quarter on an additional sheet and write the following entries: 1) D-t 41 K-t 60 - 1000 rubles in red: the erroneous cost of goods has been reversed; 2) D-t 19 K-t 60 - 180 rubles in red: VAT canceled on the defective invoice; 3) D-t 68 K-t 19 - 180 rubles in red: VAT deducted on the defective invoice has been canceled.
Step 8
The accountant of Solntse LLC must submit a new VAT return to the tax office for the third quarter.