How To Get A Loan From Individuals In

How To Get A Loan From Individuals In
How To Get A Loan From Individuals In

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Due to the caution of banking policy, many are unable to take out a loan for their needs. However, there is another option to get the required amount - to take a loan from individuals.

How to get a loan from individuals
How to get a loan from individuals

It is necessary

  • - passport;
  • - a computer.


Step 1

To get a loan from individuals, think about whether there is someone among your acquaintances who will agree to lend you money. There are no such acquaintances - look for a private lender. Usually such people do not advertise their activities in order to avoid taxes, and information about them is transmitted orally. Ask your friends if they took a loan from similar lenders. If you yourself could not find private lenders, look for them on the Internet, for example, on the websit

Step 2

When you find a lender, agree with him about the amount and conditions for obtaining a loan. At the same time, expect that the interest rate on the loan will be significantly higher than when receiving money from the bank: this is how the private lender compensates for his risks, because you do not provide him with your income statement.

Step 3

Remember that the loan will have to be repaid with interest, so make sure that you can repay the entire amount by the end of the loan period. You take money for a business, give money from another project, and not from the one for which you are taking out a loan. Be clear about what you need the money for and be prepared to tell the lender about it.

Step 4

If you want to get a loan from individuals and you have a wallet in the WebMoney system, contact other users of the system for help. In this case, the interest rate will be lower. However, prepare yourself first. Think about what guarantees of reliability you can provide? Also keep in mind that the more there are, the higher your chances of getting money.

Step 5

Think about whether you can provide any property on the web as collateral - a website, a blog, etc. The cost of the collateral should be commensurate with the amount of borrowed funds. Prepare a photo or scan of your passport in advance. If among famous people in the Russian Internet you have acquaintances who are WebMoney users, enlist their recommendations - this will significantly increase your chances of getting a loan.

Step 6

Prepare for the fact that the lender, in order to identify your identity, in addition to a scan of your passport, will ask you to give a phone number, to be photographed in a certain position. Express your willingness to be open and in contact with the lender.

Step 7

Then follow the link and choose from the offered ads the one that suits you, or create your own. Once you receive a loan, pay off on time - this will increase your rating, and it will be easier to get a loan next time.
