Why Gasoline In Russia Rises In Price Every Week

Why Gasoline In Russia Rises In Price Every Week
Why Gasoline In Russia Rises In Price Every Week

Over the past 3 months, gasoline prices have increased dramatically in Russia. Fuel rises in price literally every week. Why is the price for it growing so rapidly?

Why gasoline in Russia rises in price every week
Why gasoline in Russia rises in price every week

Dynamics of gasoline prices in Russia in 2018

Back in March 2018, a liter of 92 gasoline in central Russia cost an average of 38.5 rubles. The cost of 95 fuel was within 41, 7 rubles. Today there is a sharp rise in gasoline prices. For a liter of fuel at a gas station, you will have to pay 42, 1 and 45, 7 Russian rubles. Diesel fuel also rose in price from 40 to 44 rubles.

Gasoline began to rise in price rapidly in May 2018. Today, the rise in prices continues everywhere. Gasoline rises in price both in Moscow and in the Crimea, Bashkiria, Kemerovo, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk and other regions.

What is the reason for the unprecedented rise in prices for motor fuel in Russia?

Why gasoline rises in price so quickly

During a direct line with the President of the Russian Federation on June 7, 2018, the question was asked: why did the price of gasoline rise so much in Russia?

V. Putin commented on the situation as wrong and unacceptable.

The reason for the sharp jump in the cost of fuel, he said, is improper regulation in the field of energy resources. The President noted that measures to establish pricing in the country have already been taken and the situation has stabilized.

Let's note the main reasons for the rise in gasoline prices in the spring of 2018:

- seasonality;

- rise in oil prices;

- increase in excise taxes.

It was the last point that most likely became the main reason why it became very expensive to refuel your car. After all, it has always been more profitable for Russia to export oil products abroad than to the domestic market.

The government approved a decree to abolish a further increase in excise taxes from July 1 and freeze the cost of fuel. Perhaps this will help, and gasoline will stop rising in price almost every week.

When gasoline becomes cheaper in Russia

Meanwhile, independent analysts are making disappointing forecasts about the rise in fuel prices in Russia. There are some factors due to which gasoline will not only not fall in price, but will continue to rise in price further. Perhaps the price per liter will reach 45 rubles by the end of the year.

This may happen due to the complete monopolization of the energy market in the country. Simply put, independent gas stations will be closed (which is already noticeable in the regions). In total, more than 15,000 gas stations may be closed. And when there is no competition, pricing, as you know, is not constrained by anything.

Of course, I want to believe in the best, in this case, that gasoline prices in Russia will soon begin to fall.
