Nowadays, dealing with money is a very important skill. Even if you make good money, you need to properly distribute income, thinking not only about the present day, but also about the future of yours and your loved ones. There are several rules, following which you can save and increase your funds.

Step 1
Save some of your earnings. This is the golden rule for anyone looking to secure a solid financial future. The sooner you start saving, the more cash you will have over time.
Step 2
Keep track of expenses and income. Record all your daily expenses so you can track which purchases could have been avoided and only spend money on the things you need and need.
Step 3
Distribute income. First, set aside 10 percent of your earnings in a savings account, then identify the necessary items for the month - housing, food, services, loan payments, and the remaining funds - for clothing, entertainment and travel. You can have envelopes for each item of expenditure, so you do not exceed the limits.
Step 4
Make shopping lists. Going to the store, write down what you need to buy and take exactly as much money as is required for this. It is not advisable to go shopping with a credit card, as you will be tempted to spend more.
Step 5
During sales, try to control impulsive urges to buy what you don't really need. If you want to buy some large item, wait a few days, it is quite possible that after a while you will decide that you do not need it at all.
Step 6
Create additional sources of income. In our unstable times, having one source of income - a salary - is very impractical. Think about how else you can make money. It can be work as a freelancer, nanny, tutor. For those who are more confident in their economic knowledge, it can be an investment in investments, real estate and shares, or a joint business. The main thing is to have a good understanding of where you are investing in order to avoid risks as much as possible.