How To Return Property

How To Return Property
How To Return Property

Table of contents:


The property pledged as collateral for debt obligations can be returned only after the full repayment of the loan and the fulfillment of all financial obligations assumed to the bank.

How to return property
How to return property

It is necessary

  • - payment document;
  • - liquidation of the pledge agreement.


Step 1

Credit organizations have the right to pledge the client's existing valuable property as collateral for financial obligations on the basis of Article No. 334 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 102-F3.

Step 2

The pledge is formalized by an agreement, which is drawn up in a simple written form with obligatory certification by a notary or in a notarial form (Article 339 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). As soon as you pay off the last payment on the loan taken, contact the bank with a receipt, as well as a second copy of the pledge agreement and a passport.

Step 3

On the basis of confirmation of the fulfilled debt obligations after the receipt of the last payment has been submitted to the bank, the pledge agreement is canceled, which the creditor must inform the Federal Registration Center about in writing, since the unified register contains a restriction on the disposal of property until the full repayment of the entire amount of debt and liquidation of the agreement collateral.

Step 4

To make changes to the unified register, contact the FUGRC in person, fill out an application, pay the state fee for the provision of services, present a certificate of liquidation of the pledge agreement, your passport and documents of title to real estate. On the basis of the submitted documents, changes will be made to the register, indicating that the restrictions on the disposal of property have been lifted, and you have the right to make any legally significant transactions with it.

Step 5

When pledging a car, a contract is also drawn up. You transfer the passport of the technical device to the bank for storage. Until the full repayment of the entire amount of the debt, he is in the bank. To return the rights to your property, repay the loan, present a receipt. On the basis of the payment document confirming the payment of the last amount, the pledge agreement is liquidated and you will receive back the vehicle title.
