How To Make Money On Satellites

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How To Make Money On Satellites
How To Make Money On Satellites

Video: How To Make Money On Satellites

Video: How To Make Money On Satellites
Video: How to Build a $100 Million Satellite 2024, September

A satellite is a site that serves as a satellite for the main site being promoted. The satellite transfers the link weight and thematic visitors to the main resource. Although it only plays a supporting role, it can also generate income.

How to make money on satellites
How to make money on satellites

It is necessary

  • - satellite;
  • - account on the exchange for selling links;
  • - an account in the contextual advertising system;
  • - referral links from affiliate programs.


Step 1

You can make money on one satellite. But most likely, this amount will be very small. Therefore, it makes sense to create multiple satellites. The more sites you have, the higher your earnings. You can start with 8-10 sites. Gradually, you can increase the number of your “breadwinners” to several tens and even hundreds.

Step 2

The peculiarity of satellites is that they are easier to create than the main sites. To create a satellite, you will need a resource management system. For example, you can choose a free Wordpress system and choose a template for it. The template needs to be slightly unique, that is, to change the location of information blocks and some design elements. If you do this, your site will stand out from others and search engines will be more loyal to it. Write or buy text content for a satellite. The best content option is articles of 1-2 thousand characters. The number of articles should be at least 200. Do not copy other people's articles from other resources. So you will quickly get banned from search engines. Create unique articles and check their uniqueness using special programs. Add articles to the site and wait for them to be indexed.

Step 3

After indexing, the pages of your site will be included in the results of search engines, and visitors will begin to come to it. Every live visitor is a potential benefit for you. Place contextual advertising on the pages. If a visitor follows such an ad from your site, payment will be transferred to your account in the contextual advertising system. It should be noted that the visitor must voluntarily click on the ad. Any dishonest attempts to increase income in such systems can lead to account blocking. In addition to ads, you can add links and banners to the site, which will be accompanied by your referral link to any affiliate program.

Step 4

You can earn money on the satellite if there is no attendance. This is possible with the help of link selling exchanges. To do this, you will have to promote the site a little. Exchanges are interested in adding sites with good citation index values. This indicator can be increased using the same exchanges. That is, in order to make money, you will have to invest a little money at the beginning of the project. After your site is moderated on the exchange, you can start selling links from it.
