Cetelem Bank: Addresses, Branches, ATMs In Moscow

Cetelem Bank: Addresses, Branches, ATMs In Moscow
Cetelem Bank: Addresses, Branches, ATMs In Moscow

"Cetelem Bank" LLC is one of the largest and most popular banks for issuing consumer loans to the population. The Bank operates in more than 70 regions of Russia. The geography of presence of "Setelem Bank" LLC is constantly expanding, only in Moscow it is represented by 91 branches. At the moment, Cetelem Bank LLC employs more than 4800 employees.


Cetelem Bank LLC began operations in 2013, according to the License of the Bank of Russia for banking operations with funds in rubles and foreign currency (individuals and legal entities) No. 2168, without limitation of the validity period.

Cetelem Bank LLC provides its clients with a wide range of consumer lending. The most popular products can be noted - consumer loans, car loans, credit cards, and loans for urgent needs. The customer service policy is transparent banking products with reasonable rates, which contributes to the development of the consumer lending market throughout Russia.

Cetelem Bank LLC cooperates with the largest retail chains and car dealers in Russia: M. Video, Svyaznoy, Much Mebeli, Snezhnaya Koroleva, Stylish Kitchens, HOFF, DNS, Major, Genser, Rolf, Avtomir, Avilon Group of Companies, etc. Within the framework of a joint program with Ford Credit, Cetel Bank LLC is a partner of Ford Sollers Holding LLC. When contacting a loan officer in retail chains and car dealers, everyone who wishes, with certain documents, will be able to apply for a consumer or car loan from Setelem on the most favorable terms.

The head office of Setelem Bank LLC is located at the address: 125040 Moscow, Pravdy Street, 26. Client offices operate in different parts of Moscow. By visiting one of them, you can get the full range of bank services: apply for a loan product, get a credit card, find out the most current exchange rate, and make financial transactions. Customer service offices operate at the following addresses:

- Altufevskoe sh., 70/1;

- b. Dmitry Donskoy, 1, shopping center “Northern Lights”;

- Bagrationovskiy proezd, 7, bldg. 3, pav. H2-015;

- Varshavskoe highway, 94;

- Varshavskoe highway, 97;

- Volgogradsky pr., 112;

- Dmitrovskoe sh., D. 163, lit. A, cor. 1st, 2nd floor;

- Dmitrovskoe highway, 21/2;

- Kashirskoe highway, 12, lit. BUT;

- Kashirskoe sh., 61, bldg. 2;

- Kutuzovsky prospect, 36;

- Leningradskoe sh., 36, bldg. one;

- intersection of the Moscow Ring Road and the Leningradskoye Highway;

- Prospect Vernadsky, 6;

- Marshal Zhukov Ave., 59;

- Prospect Mira, d. 211;

- Mira Ave., 211, bldg. 2;

- Prospect Mira, d. 211, SEC "Golden Babylon";

- Prospect Mira, 99;

- Projected passage No. 5396, vl. 15, intersection of st. Lublin and MKAD;

- Rublevskoe highway, 62;

- Sevastopolsky pr., 11, lit. E;

- Signal pr., 17;

- Sokolnicheskaya pl., 4;

- st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 16;

- st. Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya, 11;

- st. Nizhegorodskaya, 34;

- st. Pererva, 43, bldg. 1, shopping center "Boom";

- st. Polyany, 8;

- st. Pravda, d. 26;

- st. Pravoberezhnaya, 16;

- st. Profsoyuznaya, 109, bldg. 2;

- st. Suschevsky Val, 5;

- st. Khachaturian, Art. m. "Otradnoe", southern exit, cor. one;

- w. Enthusiasts, 76.

In the round-the-clock ATMs of "Setelem Bank" LLC, you can withdraw and deposit cash, pay a loan, make a money transfer. ATMs are located at the following addresses:

- Varshavskoe highway, 10k1;

- Komsomolsky prospect, 44;

- Marksistskaya street, 3;

- Michurinsky prospect, 22k1;

- Paveletskaya square, 2с3;

- 1st Tverskaya-Yamskaya street, 23, Business center "Parus";

- Pravdy street, 26;

- Volokolamskoe shosse, 3, Sokol metro station;

- Krasnaya Presnya street, 26с2;

- Bolshaya Polyanka street, 30;

- Novoslobodskaya street, 50 / 1s1, metro station "Novoslobodskaya";

- Prospect Marshal Zhukov, 58, metro station "Polezhaevsk", "October field";

- Vernadsky prospect, 33;

- Pokrovka street, 31;

- Mozhaisk highway, 19, metro "Kuntsevskaya", "Molodezhnaya".
