Credit Bank of Moscow is a Russian commercial organization operating in Moscow and the Moscow Region. The bank provides a wide range of financial services, but lending to individuals and legal entities is a priority. There are more than 70 branches and 600 ATMs in the region of presence.

Credit Bank of Moscow serves over 15 thousand corporate clients and 1.1 million individuals. The organization offers consumer, mortgage and car loans to private clients, various loan programs for small and medium-sized businesses. The bank's reliability is confirmed by Russian and international ratings.
In the branches of "Credit Bank of Moscow" you can issue credit cards, exchange currency, open a deposit. The head office is located at Lukov lane, 2, building 1. You can also contact additional branches at the following addresses:
- Usacheva street, 35, building 1;
- Tsvetnoy Boulevard, 32, building 1;
- Sumskaya street, 2/12;
- Marshal Sokolovsky street, 1;
- Avtozavodskaya street, 8;
- Academician Yangel street, 2;
- Profsoyuznaya street, 5/9;
- Altufevskoe highway, 80;
- Menzhinsky street, 21;
- Seslavinskaya street, 16, building 1;
- Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya street, 45/17;
- Miklukho-Maklaya street, 47a;
- Biryulevskaya street, 1;
- Borisovskie Prudy street, 16, building 3;
- Pererva street, 56/2;
- Open highway, 5, building 11;
- Varshavskoe highway, 82;
- Prospect Mira, 182;
- Leningradskoe highway, 13, building 1;
- Fergana street, 14/13;
- Dmitry Donskoy Boulevard, 2, building 1;
- Kashirskoe highway, 106;
- General Kuznetsova street, 27, building 1.
ATM machines
The ATMs of Credit Bank of Moscow can be found at the following addresses:
- Borovskoe highway, 36a;
- Stroginsky Boulevard, 9;
- Masterkova street, 4;
- Bolshaya Dmitrovka street, 7/5, building 1;
- Mikhalkovskaya street, 13;
- Izmailovsky Boulevard, 10;
- Entuziastov highway, 55;
- Novocherkassky Boulevard, 41;
- Bakhrushin street, 25;
- Maroseyka street, 3/13;
- Prechistenka street, 40;
- Lublinskaya street, 163/1;
- Fergana street, 14/13;
- Academician Skryabin street, 14, building 2;
- Novoperedelkinskaya street, 13a;
- Budenny prospect, 20, building 1;
- Solntsevsky prospect, 2, building 2;
- 2nd Machine Building Street, 6;
- Prishvina street, 26;
- Nightingale Grove street, 11;
- Zelenodolskaya street, 36, building 2;
- Biryulevskaya street, 1, building 30;
- Boris Galushkina street, 14, building 1;
- Khimki Boulevard, 13;
- Entuziastov Highway, 55;
- Novocherkassky Boulevard, 41;
- Masterkova street, 4;
- Bakhrushin street, 25;
- Maroseyka street, 3/13;
- Bolshaya Dmitrovka street, 7/5, building 1;
- Borovskoe highway, 36a;
- Leninsky prospect, 54;
- Novocherkassky Boulevard, 10, building 1;
- Ryazansky prospect, 66;
- Mikhalkovskaya street, 13;
- October Lane, 12;
- Chernyakhovsky street, 7;
- Amurskaya street, 7, building 1;
- Rudnevka street, 5;
- Lublinskaya street, 153.
The ATM operating mode depends on the schedule of the installation site.