How To Get A Loan At VTB 24

How To Get A Loan At VTB 24
How To Get A Loan At VTB 24

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To obtain a loan from VTB24 Bank, you need to select the loan program you are interested in, collect the documents necessary to confirm your solvency, fill out a preliminary application and wait for a call from a bank employee.

How to get a loan at VTB 24
How to get a loan at VTB 24


Step 1

Go to the VTB24 website, in the upper left part of the page, find the button "Private clients", click on it. Pay attention to the right side of the page that opens, select the region where you live. In the "For you and your family" menu, click on the "Loans" section. At the bottom of the page that opens, study the information about lending programs. Conventionally, these programs can be divided into mortgage related to the purchase of a car and personal.

Step 2

Choose the loan program that suits you best. To do this, click on the name, study the loan conditions and requirements for the borrower. The programs impose different restrictions on the age and work experience of the borrower, imply the provision of various documents to confirm the solvency and guarantees that the funds will be returned to the bank. Each loan program describes in detail the system of loan repayment and penalties for late payment. In addition, you can use the calculator to predict loan payments by clicking on the "calculate the cost of a loan" link in your chosen program.

Step 3

Fill out a loan application online. In the application, indicate in which branch of VTB24 Bank it will be convenient for you to draw up an agreement. Leave your contact information so that a bank employee can contact you.

Step 4

Wait for a call from a VTB24 bank representative, answer his questions. If a bank employee asks to provide you with the documents necessary for making a decision on granting you a loan, send their electronic copies. If VTB24 Bank makes a positive decision to provide you with funds on a refund basis, an employee will contact you and invite you to the bank branch you specified.

Step 5

Visit the branch of VTB24 Bank that you chose when filling out the questionnaire. Sign the prepared loan agreement and receive the money.
