When deciding on a loan, a personal interview with a person is required. Banks are considering different options for checking the solvency, but they all follow the same principle: it is necessary to identify a person's intention not to pay a loan or an inability to pay a loan, if any. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a number of procedures that can identify both material and psychological prerequisites for non-payment of the loan.

It is necessary
- - position of a loan officer
- - a computer
- - workplace
- - powers to make a decision on granting a loan
Step 1
First of all, it is necessary to find out from the person the purpose for which he is taking out a loan. If the goal is a product that a person buys, you need to find out why he needs it. At the same time, you need to maintain a relaxed tone of conversation and express goodwill so as not to arouse suspicion.
Step 2
Checking a citizen's passport is also a necessary formality. The number of registrations, the quality of the passport, the marks - all this should be subjected to the most careful analysis. Too many registration and discharge marks, a shabby passport, or a passport issued at an inopportune time should raise reasonable suspicions.
Step 3
Ask the person about their work. It is necessary that he worked at the place of work where he is now for at least three months. Ask for the phone number of the job and the name of his immediate supervisor, it is best to check the compliance of the information with reality right there.
Step 4
Ask the person if his loan is too big, find out how he is going to repay it. Determine if his story is crisp, clear, and logical, or incoherent and uncertain.