Title is an important marketing element. A catchy name will draw attention to your store and will easily stick in the minds of customers. The name of a gift shop should depend on the concept of the shop, be unique and memorable.

Step 1
Gifts are different: elite expensive gifts, original gifts, funny gifts, gifts-ideas … The name of your gift shop should reflect its essence. For example, a respectable man who wants to buy an expensive souvenir knife as a gift for his colleague is unlikely to go to a store called "Dnyuha!"
Step 2
The name for a gift shop depends on both its concept and its audience. It should attract the attention of exactly the category of people for which the products are sold in your store. Therefore, it makes sense to think about which style names are more suitable, for example, mainly for a female audience with an average income level, and which ones - for a male audience with a high level of income.
Step 3
Before choosing a name for a gift store, it is important to analyze what the competing stores are called. The name of your store should be different from them and for the better. To find out which stores are the most successful, do a small raid on them. Select 2-3 of the most successful stores and analyze their names. Surely they also played a role. Only after that is it worth coming up with a name for your gift shop.
Step 4
Having come up with about 7-10 variants of the name, try typing each of them in search engines. Is there, for example, a store with a similar name in a nearby town? If there is, then it is better to immediately abandon such a name, since your future customers will confuse you.
Step 5
The names remaining after Internet monitoring can be offered to several representatives of your target audience (someone from friends or relatives). So you can hear the opinion of your potential client about certain names. After this stage, it will be possible to determine exactly the name that you like and that is attractive to customers.
Step 6
If you still find it difficult to choose a name for your gift store, then contact the namers - specialists in the development of names. These people usually have advertising and linguistic education. You can find them through freelance job search sites or through advertising agencies (agency services, of course, will cost significantly more than the services of private namers).