The service business is one of the most promising activities in our country. As a rule, it is characterized by high profitability and low capital investment. There are several steps you need to take to open a service firm.

It is necessary
the presence of an organizational and legal form; tax registration; leased office space; initial capital
Step 1
A service firm as a business has two important characteristics.
• First, relatively little capital is often required to enter the service market.
• Secondly, the formal component of organizing such a business is quite simple. However, this all relates to the outside of the business. On the inside, in order to open a service company, much more often than, say, in the same trade, you need some kind of know-how or an intellectual component of the owner. This, in fact, is the essence of the business, which differs depending on the type of activity. It can be expressed in the provision of copyright, individual services, and in the need, for example, to conclude several dozen contracts with counterparties.
Step 2
Most often, such a business is located in a rented office, where several employees work at computers. But before you open a service company, think about whether it makes sense for the first time to work without an office at all. In this case, get a cell phone with a landline number, which you can give in advertisements. Thus, you will save your own mobility and useful financial resources. If, of course, your type of service allows such an approach (for example, this is not suitable for a real estate business).
Step 3
To open a service firm, any legal form is suitable. Most often, individual entrepreneurs and LLCs are used for these purposes. From the point of view of doing business, there will be no difference between them. Is that setting up an LLC is a little more expensive and longer. Although, if your business involves serious turnover, it is better to stop at an LLC. Choosing a taxation system, you will most likely stop at the simplified tax system with payment of 6% of the income received. Many service firms work on it, which is understandable: regardless of the type of activity, 6% of the officially received revenue is subject to payment to the budget. At the same time, there is no need to collect documents to confirm expenses.