Migom (or Migom) is a Russian system of fast money transfers for individuals. With its help, you can send money in rubles or US dollars not only across the territory of Russia and the CIS, but also to some foreign countries.

Step 1
Migom services are in great demand due to the speed of work - the sent amount will be delivered in 10 minutes. The transfer is paid to the recipient without any additional commission. The amount of money sent is issued in the same currency in which the transfer was sent.
Step 2
In order to make a transfer, you need to find any nearest Migom point. The system is available not only in its own reception offices, but also in other agency points, for example, in branches of partner banks and at post offices. The most convenient way to find the nearest place is on migom.com, where you can see the rates for transfers.
Step 3
The operator will help you arrange the transfer. You must have an identity document with you. Before paying for the transfer at the cash desk, you need to fill out an application form, which the operator must provide to you. Then you pay the specified amount at the checkout. Do not forget to get the transfer control number (abbreviated KNP) from the operator. The number consists of nine digits, it is this number that must be communicated to the recipient of the transfer.
Step 4
It is even easier to receive a money transfer "Migom". To do this, you also need to find the nearest translation department of the system. Then inform the operator of the control number of the transfer and present an identity document. The surname and first name must match the data specified by the sender on the shipment form. Now you can get the amount at the cash desk of the branch.
Step 5
Another person can also receive the transfer, but only if a power of attorney is issued in his name. The document must be certified by a notary and valid at the time of receipt of the translation. To receive the amount by power of attorney, you also need to present an identity document. The name and surname in the document and the power of attorney must match. The original of the trust document must be left at the transfer acceptance point.
Step 6
The Migom system also supports electronic money transfers. You can pay the amount of the shipment using a WebMoney or Yandex. Money wallet. You can see the amount of the transfer fee on migom.com.