To import a number of goods into the territory of the Russian Federation, you need to have a license. Obtaining a license for each group of goods has its own characteristics. For example, in order to issue a license for the import and export of waste, a preliminary permit from the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation is required.

It is necessary
- - constituent documents;
- - certificate of registration with the tax authority, certificate of state registration of a legal entity;
- - extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities);
- - Goskomstat codes;
- - an agreement for a foreign trade transaction with the seal and signature of the founder;
- - receipt of payment of the license fee;
- - codes for TN VED;
- - power of attorney.
Step 1
The import of goods is regulated by the state with the help of licenses - permits for the implementation of foreign trade activities. The list of licensed goods is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Step 2
The Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation is in charge of issuing licenses. In its territorial office and apply for a license. The procedure for their issuance is regulated by the Regulations on the Procedure for Licensing the Export and Import of Goods.
Step 3
To obtain a license, write a corresponding application to the representative office of the Ministry of Trade, pay a state fee and attach to the application copies of your registration and founding documents, an extract from the register of legal entities, a receipt for payment of the state fee, permits from various authorities (they depend on the group of goods).
Step 4
If everything goes well, you will soon be given one copy of the license. Upon receipt, register the license with customs prior to the actual transit of the goods across the Russian border. Show the same license when transporting goods and performing export-import operations.
Step 5
As already mentioned, obtaining a license for specific groups of goods has its own characteristics. So for the import and export of hazardous waste, first obtain a permit from the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation. To do this, visit the territorial office of this ministry and write a statement there, enclosing the documents listed above, along with a copy of the contract for the transport of hazardous waste and a notification on the transboundary movement of waste.
Step 6
The decision to issue or refuse a permit is made by the Ministry of Natural Resources within 30 days from the date of submission of the application and the necessary documents. Please note that the procedure for the import, transit and export of hazardous waste is strictly regulated, and you cannot do without this permission. Having received a permit, go with it to the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation, which will issue you an appropriate license on its basis.