Sochi is one of the most famous resort cities in Russia. The inventive and hardworking coastal residents are replenished by the influx of tourists in the summer. There are many ways to make money in Sochi, you just need to correctly apply your talents and abilities.

Step 1
In Sochi, preparations are under way not only for Olympic venues, but also for the construction of infrastructure facilities. If you are connected with the construction industry, then the way to work in Sochi is open for you. There, both construction workers and various managers are required. You can also earn money by maintaining these structures.
Step 2
But if we ignore the Olympics, the resort gives a lot of chances to replenish its budget in the summer. Real estate for rent is always in demand. It all depends only on your financial capabilities. You can invest in the construction of a hotel, build a cottage, or simply organize a tent camp.
Step 3
Various services for tourists are also very popular. Cafes, clubs, cinemas and other entertainments bring good dividends to their owners during the season.
Step 4
But it is not necessary to invest a lot in order to earn money in the summer of Sochi, it is enough to have some kind of talent and use it correctly. If you know how to take pictures - take interesting photos for memory, draw well - create portraits and caricatures for tourists, with vocal and dance skills, you can get a job in a nightclub.
Step 5
Any beach trade goes on during the season. Water, pies, boiled corn, crayfish are in demand. And in the evening, tourists are not averse to pampering themselves with homemade wine.