Today, almost everyone has an idea of what securities are. Many people know that investing in stocks is a very profitable business, although not everyone is able to verify this personally. There are several rules for investing money in securities that allow you to get significant benefits from their purchase.

For the purchase of shares to be profitable, each investor must develop his own trading strategy and follow it scrupulously. Learning from mistakes and adopting the positive experience of other stock market players, successful investors have discovered 6 secrets of investing money in securities, which will be equally interesting for both experienced traders and beginners to learn.
Trading on the stock exchange always goes with varying success
Any market, including the stock market, is organized in such a way that some of the transactions will always be unprofitable, and this is absolutely normal. Sometimes the seller of the shares wins, sometimes the buyer. But since the price of most stocks increases over time, and the number of securities traded on the market is constantly growing, almost all patient and competent investors close deals with a profit and receive a decent margin.
Everything has its time
There is an optimal moment to buy shares, and a good opportunity to sell them for maximum profit. It is necessary to act quickly and decisively, without wasting time on fruitless hesitation and irrelevant reasoning. Try not to miss a lucky chance if you come across it.
Whoever acts like everyone else gets the same as everyone else
It is necessary not only to monitor the general state of the market and follow the example of other traders, but also try to develop your own unique method of investing. For example, find undervalued third-tier stocks and invest in buying them. Perhaps soon these securities will rise significantly in value, and you can get rich.
Investing in stocks is a risky investment
It must be remembered that if you buy shares in a company that goes bankrupt, their value drops to almost zero. At the same time, the shareholders are at the end of the queue of those who wish to receive the invested money from the unsuccessful company. Most likely, you will have to say goodbye to the amount spent on the purchase of shares forever.
Gambling is an investor's worst enemy
Trading on the stock exchange is an exciting experience, but you need to conduct it with a cool head. It is impossible to succumb to emotions and make a profit at the same time. Remember that you cannot persist in your mistakes and be greedy, counting on huge dividends. Each security has its own ceiling for growth and depth of decline, so you need to timely sell stocks, the rate of which has begun to decline, in order to minimize possible losses, or, conversely, fix profits when the stock price is at its maximum.
Never give up
The fact that experienced traders usually get rich on the exchange, and beginners often go broke and quit trading, is usually silent. However, this situation can be viewed from the other side: all the "bison" of the exchange were once novice investors. If they can make a profit from buying stocks, so can you. The main thing is to choose the right trading strategy and believe in your success!