Today, the word "corporation" is usually understood as an association of people (or rather individuals or legal entities) who are co-owners of one firm. The corporation is governed by the highest governing body - the board of directors. When the organization is formed, a statutory fund is created, to which all individuals or legal entities make their contributions.

Step 1
Determine the future name of your corporation. You must make sure that the proposed name has not been taken over by other companies and firms, otherwise it will violate the rights of other business organizations.
Step 2
Be sure to register the corporation's trademark with the relevant government agencies, pay the set amount for this operation. At this point, check to see if a similar trademark is being used by other companies.
Step 3
Think over which countries the corporation will operate in. You have the right to register it in any country, however, it will be less costly to organize and register an organization in the territory of your country of residence, otherwise you will need to pay the appropriate taxes that are imposed on non-governmental organizations.
Step 4
Choose the professionals to make up your board of directors. Please note that it must include experienced and qualified people who will participate in the development and drafting of the corporate bylaws.
Step 5
To organize a corporation, attract investors to it.
Step 6
Work with investors to develop a document such as the Shareholders Agreement. This document will determine the total number and type of shares that will be issued by your organization.
Step 7
Submit the required documents and corporate articles of association to the appropriate government agencies. Receive a list of documents required for full registration of the organization and within a certain period (two weeks) receive a "Certificate of Incorporation".
Step 8
Develop a business plan according to which your corporation will be active. Calculate all costs, as well as the expected profit.