The rapid pace of doing business requires every entrepreneur and company manager to have a real idea of the cost of production and the ability to calculate it correctly. Since the concept of a service is very broad, it makes sense to consider the calculation of the cost price on a specific example. Let's take the calculation of the cost of the photo booth service per person.

Step 1
Determine what constitutes the service. In our case - from the cost of photo paper and the cost of cartridges per customer.
Step 2
Photo paper refers to 10 x 15 cm single-sided Lomond paper on which photographs are printed. Lomond paper was selected for reasons of its low cost and general availability. To print a photo for documents, as a rule, matte paper is used, on which you can put a seal if necessary. The cost of such a paper in Moscow is 70 kopecks. per sheet. The cost of a sheet of glossy Lomond paper 10 x 15 cm is 1 p. 10 kopecks
Step 3
Let's say you're using Canon IP3600 / 4600 5-cartridge inkjet printers to print photos. They contain four thin cartridges # 521 - black, red, blue, yellow, as well as one thick cartridge # 520 - black. The cost of cartridges No. 521 in Moscow is 400 rubles. per piece, cartridges No. 520 - 450 rubles. The lower price of the cartridges indicates that they are either refilled or simply fake. Based on many years of experience in cab operation, it can be argued that all cartridges are consumed at different rates: red # 521 - enough for 300 clients; blue # 521 - 400 clients; yellow # 521 - 350 clients; black # 521 - 400 clients; black # 520 - 800 clients.
Step 4
To simplify calculations, let's take the average rate of cab traffic - 350 clients per month. With this permeability for a month, you will take about one set of thin cartridges # 521 and half of the thick # 520. Thus, the cartridges will cost per month: (400 x 4) + 225 = 1825 p. With 350 customers per month, the cost of cartridges per customer: 1825/350 = 5.21 p.
Step 5
Make the final calculations. Summing up the cost of a sheet of paper and the cost of cartridges per client, we get the following services: matte paper: 0.7 rubles + 5.21 rubles = 5.11 rubles, glossy paper: 1.11 rubles + 5.21 rubles = 6.31 rubles … Using this example, you can calculate the cost of any other service by substituting and using the required data.