All firms receiving cash proceeds must submit it to a bank in accordance with Russian law. To establish relations with a bank, an organization needs to open a current account with it. There can be several of them, both in the same bank, and in different ones.

Step 1
When opening a current account, a company is set a cash balance limit. The Bank has the right to control the established limit, checking if it has been exceeded. The cash balance limit is calculated based on the firm's income and expenses for the previous working quarter. If the company plans to increase the volume of revenue, then the limit can be recalculated to a greater extent. If the company has not provided the bank with information on turnovers for calculating the limit of the cash balance, it may face a fine, since all the proceeds received will be considered over-limit.
Step 2
Amounts that exceed the established limit are subject to delivery to the bank. To do this, you need to make an announcement for a cash contribution. This document is filled in by an employee of the company who hands over the proceeds, or a bank representative. Most commercial banks provide this service. The announcement for a cash contribution consists of three parts: the announcement itself, a receipt and an order. The receipt is issued to an employee of the company and attached to the cash outflow order to confirm the operation.
Step 3
Delivery of proceeds to the bank can be carried out using cash collection. This method has undeniable advantages. Using collection services, the company does not risk anything, because it does not have to deliver large amounts to the bank on its own. And if the company has a cash collection agreement with the bank, then the latter will be partially responsible for the cash balance limit. The company will be able to avoid fines if the export of cash does not occur through the fault of the collectors.
Step 4
When transferring funds with collectors, the accountant fills out a cover sheet, one copy of which remains with the company, the other is transferred to the bank. After crediting funds to the account, the bank sends the company's accountant a memorial order confirming the operation. The only disadvantage associated with cash collection services is that the company incurs additional costs.