Which of us doesn't want to be wealthier? Our income depends on ourselves - on how much we earn and how we manage our money. In order for money to always be found, it is worth paying attention not only to career growth, but also to developing a rational attitude towards money and the very process of earning it. A rational attitude to money and the process of earning it does not imply either harsh savings or overnight stays in the office, but there are a few rules that should be taken into account.

Step 1
First of all, it makes sense to analyze why and for what there is not enough money. It is no secret that people with quite solid salaries sometimes feel the lack of money. Try to remember your main income and expense items. This is best done in writing - on paper or on a computer.
Step 2
Next, divide the income into stable and temporary. For example, you are a university lecturer, and your stable income is your university salary. Temporary income - tutoring. It rises in the spring, before exams, and disappears in the summer, when all the exams have already been passed.
Step 3
The same should be done with expenses. Everyone has stable expenses - renting an apartment, paying off loans, buying food. All this takes about the same amount per month. And there are "spontaneous" expenses - the purchase of household appliances, clothes, etc.
Step 4
Make it a rule to keep track of your income and expenses every day. There are special computer programs for this (for example, "Home Bookkeeping" - https://www.keepsoft.ru/homebuh.htm). It can be difficult at first to train yourself to write down all expenses, including the purchase of gum, but after a month or two, you will find that your attention to money is good for you. Accounting allows you to always know exactly how much money you really have, to analyze both past and future spending. The more you earn, the more useful it will be to keep track of your income and expenses
Step 5
You can increase your income by making a career at your workplace and doing a part-time job. It's good if you manage to do this at the same time. Many specialists manage to find a simple part-time job very quickly: for example, a web designer can receive orders from individuals on weekends by registering on the freelance exchange (this www.free-lance.ru and others)
Step 6
For career growth in your workplace, you need, firstly, the prospects of the company in which you work, the desire of management to promote you, and secondly, motivation. It is better to leave a company that has no prospects for development in the market over time, especially since it is not so difficult to find a job in Moscow now. If the company is doing well, set a goal for yourself to move to another position within a certain time frame. The goal is best to write down and define your reward (for example, selling an old car and buying a new one). Under the goal, write down the actions that you think can lead to it: a conversation with management about transferring additional powers to you, taking initiative in the workplace, reading professional literature, being more active at work, etc.