How To Find Out Which Bank It Is By The Card Number

How To Find Out Which Bank It Is By The Card Number
How To Find Out Which Bank It Is By The Card Number

It may be necessary to find out the name of the bank that issued the card for a number of actions, the simplest of which is to check the correctness of the recipient of the money transfer. Bank information is usually encoded in the card number. But how do you take advantage of this?

How to find out which bank it is by the card number
How to find out which bank it is by the card number

Most bank cards have a 16-digit number, divided into 4 blocks of 4 digits each. And each digit of such a block has its own meaning, since it encodes information about a financial institution, and about the card itself.

The first 6 digits represent the BIN - a bank identifier that encodes information that is needed for processing, authorization, and clearing. BIN is assigned to a certain type of cards of each specific bank. And it is BIN that allows you to find out data about the issuing bank.

The first digit of the bank identifier indicates that it belongs to a particular payment system:

  • 3 is American Express or JCB Intenational;
  • 3, 5, 6 is Maestro;
  • 4 - Visa;
  • 5 - MasterCard;
  • 6 - China UnionPay;
  • 7 indicates a universal electronic card.

2, 3 and 4 BIN digits encode the number of the bank that admitted the plastic card, and 5 and 6 provide additional information about it. The numbers from 7 to 15 determine the type of banking product, the country of issue of the card and the currency. Depending on the service system chosen by the bank, the number of these digits can be 9, as is usually the case, or it can consist of 7, 10, or even 13 characters.

The last digit in the card number is used for the final automatic check of the correctness of entering all the digits of the number. And on the back of the card there is a 3-digit CVV code, which is used to protect against intruders. Only the owner of the card should know this code, so you cannot tell anyone the CVV and you should not upload a photo with the back of the card.

To find out the name of the bank that issued the card, the easiest way is to use a special online service, where, to obtain information, it will be enough to enter all 6 BIN digits. After that, the service will show:

  • payment system of the card;
  • country of issue;
  • the name of the issuing bank;
  • type and category of the card.

You can use the list below, where the numbers of the most famous banks are indicated:

  • 4276, 67758, 4279, 63900, 54693 - this is Sberbank;
  • 521178, 45841, 548673 - this is AlfaBank;
  • 521324, 43773 - Tinkoff Bank;
  • 513691, 51009, 510047 - this is Russian Standard Bank;
  • 520905 - Renaissance Credit;
  • 447817, 476206, 476208 - PromsvyazBank;
  • 522223, 403898, 521178 - Vanguard;
  • 46223, 427229 - VTB24.

If the card number contains a non-standard number of characters, then this can also help in determining the issuing bank. For example, cards with a 15-digit number and payment systems Visa and MasterCard are issued only by Sberbank.

In the back there are also such cards on which the number is not indicated at all. In this case, you need to pay attention to a combination of 4 digits, which will necessarily be on such a map - this is the BIN, applied by a topographic method.

The cards of the American Express payment system also differ: the numbers on their numbers are divided not into 4, but only into 3 blocks, 4, 5 or 6 digits in each. And the reason for this is in the special format of AmEx bank cards - they are created as cards for entertainment and travel. And such cards are intended for organizations that are involved in the field of entertainment and tourism.
