How To Repay A Loan At Sberbank

How To Repay A Loan At Sberbank
How To Repay A Loan At Sberbank

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A loan issued at Sberbank must be repaid. To do this, you need to make payments in the amounts established by the bank's rules and the contract, and at the same time it is very desirable to comply with the deadlines for making them. You can repay a loan at Sberbank in many different ways.

How to repay a loan at Sberbank
How to repay a loan at Sberbank

It is necessary

  • - Sberbank card;
  • - an account with Sberbank;
  • - passport.


Step 1

If you have a card or account with Sberbank, you can repay the loan using Internet banking. The SberbankOnline system allows you to manage your money in different ways, and among the services it provides is the ability to transfer funds to a loan. The same conditions are offered by the "Mobile Bank" of Sberbank.

Step 2

Also, for those who have entered into a service agreement, that is, opened an account with Sberbank, it is possible to repay the loan through various self-service devices. These include any ATMs and terminals of Sberbank. To do this, you need to use the selected device to transfer money from your account to the one that is intended to repay the loan.

Step 3

Any ATM equipped with a bill acceptor or an information and payment terminal with similar capabilities will allow you to replenish your credit account by depositing money directly in cash.

Step 4

Another way: go to the Sberbank office and use the services of a cashier who will deposit funds. To do this, you will need a passport.

Step 5

Sberbank allows you to repay a loan by transferring from other banks, while the funds must be deposited into a credit account issued by Sberbank of Russia.

Step 6

Those who have a permanent job can ask the accounting department to issue an order for the regular transfer of part of the salary according to the specified details. In this case, the part of your salary set by you will go to the loan every month, and you will not have to worry about anything.

Step 7

You can issue a long-term order to write off funds directly at Sberbank, if you have a card issued by it. It is permissible to use a salary card. In a similar way, you can solve the problem if you have a deposit account - the order to repay the loan is drawn up on it.
