Avangard is a Russian commercial bank, one of the largest in Russia. It is represented by a wide network of branches throughout the country: currently there are 265 offices in 51 regions. The financial institution offers all types of banking services for individuals and legal entities.

Bank Avangard occupies high places in Russian and international ratings, its clients are more than a million people. The strengths of the organization are high quality of service and constantly introducing new technologies, some of which are unparalleled.
The main activity is related to services for small and medium-sized businesses. Large holdings also become clients. Legal entities apply for the services of lending, cash collection, acquiring, documentary transactions, deposits, salary projects and other banking products.
Individuals are offered a line of deposits, bank cards of various payment systems, loans, money transfers. The network includes a head office in Moscow, a branch in St. Petersburg, 19 representative offices, 98 additional offices, 656 ATMs.
Clients can apply to branches of Bank Avangard for all offered financial services. The head office is located at 12, Sadovnicheskaya Street, building 1. In addition, you can contact additional branches at the following addresses:
- Varshavskoe shosse, 26, p. 10;
- Dmitrovskoe highway, 11, building 1;
- Grokholsky lane, 29, building 1;
- Rublevskoe highway, 52a;
- Usacheva street, 35, building 1;
- Bolshaya Yakimanka street, 52, building 1;
- Heroes Panfilovtsev street, 41, building 1;
- Tikhoretsky Boulevard, 1, building 70;
- Open highway, 9, building 1;
- Pilot Babushkina street, 37, building 1;
- Petrozavodskaya street, 13, building 1;
- Lithuanian Boulevard, 22;
- Altufevskoe highway, 95;
- Lipetskaya street, 16/14, building 1;
- Suzdalskaya street, 12a;
- Veshnyakovskaya street, 17a;
- Borovskoe highway, 35;
- Proletarsky prospect, 19, building 1;
- Admiral Lazarev street, 2;
- Korneichuk street, 54;
- Medynskaya street, 7;
- Lobnenskaya street, 14;
- Leninsky Prospect, 76a;
- Khabarovskaya street, 15.
ATM machines
At Avangard ATMs, you can withdraw and deposit cash on the card, transfer money to another account, pay for mobile communications and make other payments. You can find ATMs at the following addresses:
- Leningradsky Prospect, 76a;
- Bolshaya Polyanka street, 24/2, building 4;
- Ivana Franko street, 38, building 1;
- Tvardovskogo street, 2, building 4;
- Leninsky prospect, 146;
- Vavilova street, 66;
- Kustanayskaya street, 6;
- Bazhova street, 17;
- Bolshaya Yakimanka street, 52, building 1;
- Sadovnicheskaya street, 12, building 1;
- Construction passage, 7a;
- Sadovnicheskaya street, 24;
- Heroes Panfilovtsev street, 41, building 1;
- Usacheva street, 35, building 1;
- Krasnaya Presnya street, 23;
- Dmitrovskoe highway, 11, building 1;
- Rublevskoe highway, 52a;
- Varshavskoe shosse, 26, p. 10;
- Altufevskoe highway, 8;
- Profsoyuznaya street, 129a;
- Marksistskaya street, 38, building 1;
- Izmailovskoe highway, 71a;
- Grokholsky lane, 29, building 1;
- Zeleny prospect, 62a.