10 Mistakes That Rob You Of Money

10 Mistakes That Rob You Of Money
10 Mistakes That Rob You Of Money

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Tired of living paycheck to paycheck? Business income doesn't cover your expenses? Failing Internet Entrepreneurship? Tired of living on welfare? The secret is not a lot of money, but the ability to dispose of it. People often make mistakes, in the process of which money flows out of their hands like water.

10 mistakes that rob you of money
10 mistakes that rob you of money


Step 1

You don't count money

Money loves counting. The main mistake of most ordinary people and aspiring entrepreneurs is the lack of sane accounting. If you do not know where your income comes from and where your expenses go - what kind of money can we talk about?

Step 2

You don't save 10% of your salary

Of course, 10% of your average monthly earnings won't make you a millionaire. But nevertheless, you can provide yourself with a cash cushion by saving money in your account.

Step 3

You don't keep money in the bank

Yes, of course, there is mistrust of banks, especially after 1998. But now there are more financial instruments that will help insure your savings. After all, it is not necessary to keep your savings in rubles. There are other currencies, precious metals, in the end - stocks. Keeping money in an envelope is a sure step to devalue it: inflation does not sleep. Keep your money in the bank - then they will at least "grow up" a little.

Step 4

You don't invest

It is believed that investment requires a lot of money. This is not true. All great things start small. If you are afraid to take risks, invest in yourself, more precisely, in your education. You will definitely not go wrong.

Step 5

You work harder to earn more

In fact, it is not hard labor that will provide you with big money, but the time of other people and the right investment of money.

Step 6

You are not doing what you love

Alas, the unloved business causes disgust and rejection. And that will never lead to wealth. Of course, nobody says it is easy to work. But what you love brings satisfaction - mind you, satisfaction, not just pleasure.

Step 7

You are not doing charity work

You think: it's not enough for me to share with someone else … Believe me, there are millions of people in the world who have much less money than you … And kindness will definitely return! In addition, the one whom you helped today can become a millionaire tomorrow and help you already …

Step 8

You think: I NEED money

If you think about need, that you “need money,” you will lose more than you will gain. You need to change your thinking, think: "I want to get money", and not "I need to make money"

Step 9

You do not plan expenses

Extensive lordly spending and spontaneous purchases make a huge hole in your budget. Rich people never waste money. They even go to the store with a list of products and buy only what is on this list.

Step 10

You don't know what big money is for

When there is no goal, money spills through your fingers. Decide what you need finances for, make a plan, how and what you will achieve - and act.
