After the approval of the annual accounting report, accountants are faced with the need to calculate and accrue dividends. At first glance, this procedure is quite simple, but it is necessary to take into account a number of subtleties and conditions that do not fit into the accepted framework of accounting.

Step 1
Calculate the amount of the organization's net profit for the year, and also knock out the amount of retained earnings from previous years. Compare the amount of the authorized capital and net assets of the company. In order for the payment of dividends not to cause bankruptcy, it is necessary that the first indicator be less than the second. The amount of net assets is determined by the accounting report.
Step 2
Hold a general meeting of shareholders, at which it is necessary to determine the amount of net profit for the accrual of dividends. After that, the corresponding minutes of the meeting and an order for the enterprise are issued. Based on the decision taken, the amount of dividends is calculated for all holders of the company's shares. In this case, the calculation is carried out in the form of a proportion relative to the total amount allocated for dividends.
Step 3
Calculate the annual and interim dividends from the company's net profit, which is reflected in account 84 "Retained earnings". Reflect the issuance of income on shares to members of the company on the credit of account 75.2 "Settlements with founders for payment of income". The accrual of dividends to the company's employees is reflected in the credit of account 70 "Payments with personnel for wages". If the enterprise has no profit, then the holders of ordinary shares are not charged dividends, and a reserve fund is used for preferred shares. In this case, all transactions are reflected on account 82 "Reserve capital".
Step 4
Withhold income tax and personal income tax from dividend payments. Reflect the withholding of taxes on the credit of account 68 "Calculations of taxes and fees" and the debit of account 75.2 or account 70. Then pay dividends minus fees by opening a loan on account 50.1 "Cashier", 51 "Current account" or 52 "Currency account" in correspondence with accounts 75.2 or 70. Transfer of taxes to the budget is reflected on the credit of account 51 or 52 and the debit of account 68.