How To Get A Loan From Gi Mani Bank

How To Get A Loan From Gi Mani Bank
How To Get A Loan From Gi Mani Bank

GE Money Bank has been operating in the Russian consumer lending market since 2004 and is a division of GE Capital. The main products offered by the bank are cash loans and credit cards.

How to get a loan from Gi Mani Bank
How to get a loan from Gi Mani Bank

Loan programs offered by the bank

Today the bank offers three lending programs - "Special", "Convenient" and "Universal" loans. Loans are provided for any purpose and do not require collateral. Applications are processed quickly - usually within a day to day.

The "Special" loan is distinguished by a low interest rate on the loan (from 12.9% per year). Its feature is a reduced rate for women - 12.5% per year. Loan terms - from 12 to 60 months. Loan size - from 20 thousand rubles. up to 1 million rubles Moreover, the loan is available only to citizens over 30 years old.

The conditions of the "Convenient" loan are similar, it differs in interest rates from 14.9% to 29.9% per annum and a lower age limit. Such loans are available to all citizens over 25 years old.

Significant disadvantages of all types of loans include impressive penalties for late payments. They amount to 1,100 rubles, but not more than 50% of the amount of overdue debt on the 5th day of delay.

Citizens over the age of 18 can receive the “Universal” loan. The rate is determined on an individual basis and ranges from 14.9 to 49.9% per year.

According to the opinions of potential clients of the bank, the minimum loan rate is issued by “Gee and Money Bank” rather rarely.

Requirements for borrowers "Gee and Money Bank"

The main requirements for borrowers that the bank makes:

- citizenship of the Russian Federation;

- actual residence in the region of applying for a loan

Among the documents requested by the bank is a passport, one of the documents to choose from - a passport, a certificate of registration of a car or ownership of housing. Certificate of income with a loan amount of up to 300 thousand rubles. not required.

- absence of overdue debts on bank loans;

- in the loan application, citizens must indicate their landline work phone number, as well as their mobile number.

Loans are available to individual entrepreneurs and military personnel. Individual entrepreneurs must additionally provide the bank with a certificate of state registration and TIN.

When applying for a loan in "Gee and Money Bank" no additional fees are charged.

Loan registration procedure

There are several ways to get a loan from Ji and Money Bank: by filling out an online application on the bank's website, directly at a bank branch or at the Russian Post. In the latter case, the maximum available loan amount is 100 thousand rubles.

The money will be available to the borrower on the day of signing the loan agreement when making an application at a bank branch or within 3 days at any branch of the Russian Post. At the request of the borrower, the bank can transfer money to the specified account in another bank.
