Borrowing Etiquette

Borrowing Etiquette
Borrowing Etiquette

Borrowing money or other things is a personal service. In most cases, the borrowed money is provided only to reliable individuals. As long as you follow a few basic rules, you shouldn't have any problems borrowing.

Borrowing etiquette
Borrowing etiquette

The borrowed money must agree in advance the terms of the return, if this has not happened, take the initiative in your own hands and discuss the exact terms yourself.

If the landmark missed the repayment period, do not be silent and wait patiently, you need to remind him of the debt. It will be more polite to refer to your own expenses, which you have planned for a long time, when reminding them. In this case, the debtor is obliged to apologize and say the exact date of return (if at the moment there is no required amount available).

If the terms were not specified when borrowing, by default the debt must be repaid within a month. It is customary to repay debt not in an envelope and not in small money. If a large amount of money is lent, then it is necessary to repay the debt exclusively face to face. It is advisable not to tell anyone what you borrowed, how much and from whom.

By lending, a receipt will be useful. In the receipt it is necessary to indicate the full name, passport data, signature and date. In addition, you can make a copy of your passport and attach it to the receipt. On any website of a law firm, you can find a sample of filling out a receipt. Thus, you will insure yourself if the debtor changes his mind about returning the money.