In our country, many citizens study at the correspondence department and work in parallel. For the amount spent on studies, you can get a refund of 13%. To do this, you must fill out a social deduction declaration, attach a certificate of income, payment documents, accreditation, license and agreement with the institute.

It is necessary
- - the program "Declaration";
- - 2-NDFL certificate;
- - copies of the license, accreditation of the institute;
- - agreement with the university;
- - payment documents;
- - an identity document.
Step 1
Request a certificate from your place of work in accordance with the 2-NDFL form. It should reflect your monthly income for the previous tax period. The document should be certified with the seal of the company, signed by the head of the organization and the chief accountant.
Step 2
Ask the institute where you are studying for a copy of the license and accreditation, certified by the seals of the educational institution. Check if you have an agreement with the university. It must be taken into account that if the amount of payment for studies has changed during the course of educational activities, an additional agreement must be attached to the contract.
Step 3
You should have on hand payment documents (receipts, bank statements) confirming the fact of payment for education for the previous period. If you have lost or spoiled one of them, request a certificate from the accounting department of the educational institution, which indicates the amounts you paid for training.
Step 4
In the "Declaration" program, enter the number of the tax inspection, mark the item "Other individual" in the taxpayer signs. In the column "There are incomes", select certificates of income of an individual. On the "Taxpayer Information" tab, enter your last name, first name, patronymic, date and place of your birth, type and details of your identity document (passport, driver's license, military ID). Write the address of your place of residence and contact telephone number.
Step 5
On the tab "Income received in the Russian Federation" enter the name of the company where you are currently working, its TIN, KPP. Indicate the amount of salary for each month of the reporting tax period. On the deductions tab, select social tax deductions. Write down the amount you have spent on your training over the past period.
Step 6
Submit the completed declaration, 2-NDFL certificate, copies of accreditation, university licenses, agreement with the institute, payment documents to the tax service by April 30 of the year following the reporting year.