In our life, there are situations when there is absolutely not enough money. Unforeseen expenses can force you to borrow money. In the event that a loved one or just an acquaintance turned to you for help, you can take his word for it and give the money. However, it is better to take a receipt that you can write yourself.

Step 1
In the case of non-repayment of debt, it is worth considering two situations: when there is a receipt, and when there is none.
Step 2
In the first case, getting your money back is very easy. Just file a lawsuit, attach a photocopy of the receipt to your application and wait for a decision. Of course, you will have to incur some costs, because litigation is not a cheap pleasure. However, there is a way out of this situation. Simply file a motion at the hearing to have the debtor pay all bills. In the event that you win the case, your opponent will be required to pay all costs.
Step 3
Do not worry. In most cases, the presence of a receipt decides the outcome of the case in favor of the plaintiff. Otherwise, you will have 10 days to appeal the sentence. In the future, you just have to wait for the bailiff to "knock" the amount due from the debtor.
Step 4
Unfortunately, most people don't take receipts. They just don't want to believe in the dishonesty of the people around them. And they often suffer from their carelessness.
Step 5
If you lent money, but did not take a receipt, do not despair. To get your money back, just go to court or the police. Start with the last option, because it is more economical and does not require additional costs.
Step 6
So, write a statement about the fact of fraud, in which you describe in detail the circumstances of the case. In particular, to whom did you give the money, in what amount, for how long, etc. After that, wait until the interrogator summons your debtor for questioning and listens to his point of view on the situation. In most cases, the police refer such cases to the magistrate who conducts a thorough judicial investigation.
Step 7
It should be emphasized right away that the magistrate will not take into account the testimony of your witnesses, tk. you have no receipt. To provide evidence of the issue of money, contact the debtor in advance by email, instant messages, etc. and start talking about debt repayment. Print these materials and turn them over to the magistrate. In most cases, this is enough to win the case.