How To Open A Student Business Incubator

How To Open A Student Business Incubator
How To Open A Student Business Incubator

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The number of higher educational institutions, on the basis of which student business incubators are opened, is increasing every year. The concept of business incubation has already become widespread in the USA, Canada and Western Europe, these are specialized structures that provide a favorable environment for the development of small businesses. The creation of such incubators at universities will allow students to gain practical skills and even implement their innovative projects at the expense of enterprises that are ready to implement them.

How to open a student business incubator
How to open a student business incubator


Step 1

If the idea of creating a business incubator on the basis of your university has already become a project, student government bodies, which are one of the structures of the Joint Council of Students of the University, should work on its implementation. Organizational work must be carried out jointly with the administration of the university, the vice-rector for scientific and innovative activities. Develop the concept of the incubation system and decide whether it will operate on the basis of some separate faculties and departments or will combine all the areas of educational activity of your university.

Step 2

Have an organizational meeting. Determine the priority areas in which small innovative enterprises can be created at the university. Reach out to entrepreneurs, including former graduates of your university, to get involved in the project, they may be required to provide consulting and expert services. In some cases, their enterprise can become a testing ground for the implementation of innovative student projects. Arrange business internships with them.

Step 3

Organize and conduct educational activities aimed at teaching students the basics of entrepreneurship. Classes can be conducted in the form of seminars, master classes, business games, forums, lectures and conferences. Their task is to develop competencies and skills, to obtain practical and legal knowledge necessary for a young entrepreneur. Students can take part in the work of the business incubator as developers of their own business projects, as well as members of project teams and employees of the management apparatus.

Step 4

Create a system of information and consulting support. Determine where and from whom students will be able to receive expert advice and advice on the organization of a small business and its design, business negotiations, business documentation, agreements and contracts. Provide everyone with information and teaching materials, prepare instructions, booklets and brochures, lists of useful links.

Step 5

Together with the university administration, work out the issues of material and technical conditions for the placement of newly created innovative student enterprises. Provide students with equipped workplaces with furniture and computers, office equipment, office supplies, and places for working meetings and meetings.
