How To Get A Loan For A Phone

How To Get A Loan For A Phone
How To Get A Loan For A Phone

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Today you can buy a cell phone you like without even paying anything when buying it - you can buy a mobile device on credit. We will talk about what is needed for this further.

How to get a loan for a phone
How to get a loan for a phone

It is necessary



Step 1

In order for a person to buy a phone on credit, it must meet a number of parameters put forward by the bank. So today the conditions for issuing goods on credit can be different - everything will depend on which bank you contact. Differences in loans are usually expressed in interest rates for monthly payments, loan maturity, as well as the age of the borrower.

So, some banks allow you to buy a phone on credit if the borrower has reached the age of 18 (18 years old), while others issue loans to people who have reached 21 years old, while the conditions of some banks provide for the issuance of loans to people over 23 years old. Despite these differences, all types of lending have one thing in common - a package of documents that the borrower must submit for consideration.

Step 2

When buying a phone on credit, you must submit documents such as a passport, a certificate confirming your income at the last job within six months, as well as any second document (rights, pension card). When applying for a loan, you will be offered several options for its repayment. After you choose the most optimal option for yourself, your documents will be submitted for consideration.

Step 3

The term for consideration of an application when buying a mobile phone on credit usually takes less than ten minutes. In the event that your candidacy meets the requirements of the bank, you will be able to receive the product. If the application is rejected, try to apply for a loan through another bank.
