What Is A Regional Network

What Is A Regional Network
What Is A Regional Network

Within the framework of the theory of the network economy, various specific associations are formed - networks, which are the final result of inter-firm cooperation.

What is a regional network
What is a regional network

What is a Regional Network?

A regional network is a large computer network that connects subscribers from several buildings to the scale of going outside the country. All computers are part of the same network. By connecting computers in one common network, you can share many of the computer's resources, such as, for example, printers, disks, memory.

In terms of protocols, regional networks are almost indistinguishable from global ones. It must be said that transoceanic cables are generally not used in regional networks, but this difference is not fundamental. Regional networks determine the problem of forming regions from LAN-networks of both entire countries and supranational networks. Typically, such networks are built using the following protocols: SDH, ISDN, ATM, Frame Relay or X.25. Architecturally, they are formed from channels that have a point-to-point scheme, as well as from rather powerful switches-multiplexers.

WANs use specially installed networking devices that connect LANs to one another. Because of the importance of such devices to the network, installing, configuring, and maintaining such devices are essential skills for a company's network.

WAN is useful for individual companies. It connects users within one organization and also provides many forms of communication.

Requirements for WANs to Meet

The requirements that must be met by a WAN include:

- rather high throughput of communication channels, as well as the performance of communication equipment;

- the ability to simultaneously transmit video, voice and data via one communication channel;

- efficiency, affordability;

- good compatibility of communication and channel equipment from different manufacturers;

- scalability, excellent ability to create different virtual networks.

The successful development of the economy, the performance of various types of work and the provision of services are simply impossible without creating the necessary environment, as well as regional state and public companies. Today, the creation of regional networks can help the development of the entrepreneurial environment, stimulate the implementation of various ideas and form the ethics of business communication.
