Bank deposits are a way to keep accumulated funds from the unpleasant effects of inflation. It is deposits that can smooth out the depreciation of money and make inflation less noticeable.

Step 1
Consider offers from several banks. When choosing the most suitable bank, consult with its specialist about whether it insures deposits, how long this credit institution has the right to attract deposits and how long has it been operating in your city.
Step 2
Pay attention from all the submitted offers of deposits to those that will suit you in terms of the term of the deposit, as well as the method of calculating interest. In turn, interest can be paid either to a specific account (card, settlement, savings book), or this interest will be capitalized (interest is added to the initial amount of the deposit). For example, if you make a deposit equal to 10,000 rubles and you are charged 12% annual accumulated interest, then every month another interest is charged on the already accumulated amount of interest.
Step 3
Find out if you can choose the term for the interest payment. As a rule, this period can be one or three months. It is also worth paying attention to other possibilities of the deposit: deposit replenishment and early withdrawal of funds without losing the amount of accrued interest. In addition, in some banks, it is possible not only to replenish, but also to withdraw funds within the minimum balance. That is, if you put 50,000 rubles in the bank, but in a month you suddenly need 10,000 rubles, then you can take them from your own deposit without losing the accrued interest. However, this will only apply if the minimum balance is no more than RUB 40,000.
Step 4
Sign an agreement with the bank. To do this, after you have chosen a suitable bank, take your passport and the amount of money that you want to put in the bank with you. Then go to the branch of the chosen bank, sign the agreement and deposit the cash through the operating cash desk.