Tourists, planning to travel outside their home country, face the same problem: how to take out the currency? And not everyone knows that this process is regulated by law, which must be observed. In particular, when passing through customs, it is necessary to fill out a declaration, that is, declare the currency values with which the tourist intends to go abroad. However, there are cases in which you can do without this, using the so-called "green corridor".

Step 1
The legislator classifies foreign currency (banknotes and funds on accounts in foreign currency) and foreign securities as currency values. This means that going abroad, you will inevitably face the problem of transporting foreign and Russian "cash", traveler's checks, credit cards, and other securities.
Step 2
Transfer funds to the bank account to which your plastic card is linked. "Plastic" money does not need declaration and any documentary support. But checks and securities can be carried in unlimited quantities, but regardless of their amount, their mandatory declaration will be required.
Step 3
It is a little more difficult to travel abroad with foreign currency in cash in your wallet. Without permissive papers, the law is allowed to export from Russia only that amount, the equivalent of which is equal to ten thousand American dollars. Anything exceeding this size requires either a declaration or a special permit from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation. But if you have with you a stack of "overseas" bills in the amount of up to three thousand US dollars, you do not need to fill out the declaration and not provide additional documents. At the same time, you will not be allowed to transfer an amount from three to ten thousand dollars without customs declaration.
Step 4
When taking out cash, take care of obtaining a bank statement on the purchase of banknotes. It is possible to cross the border without it, but the existing rules for the "circulation" of foreign currency on the territory of the country require a citizen to confirm the legality of possession of a certain amount of non-Russian origin, i.e. the same notorious reference. And while you are still in Russia, any government official, including customs officials, can demand it. Thus, this document, and it is valid for 24 months from the date of issue, is better to have with you, just in case.
Step 5
The law also provides for the movement of Russian money outside the country. When leaving, a tourist can take them with him for an amount not exceeding 500 minimum wages (50 thousand rubles), and at the same time they must be indicated in the declaration.