Getting money back is never easy. If, when purchasing a low-quality product, it can be presented for examination, then with the provision of a service, everything is much more complicated. Nevertheless, in this case, justice can be achieved.
It is necessary
- - receipt;
- - application;
- - Law on Consumer Protection;
- - data on controlling and higher authorities.
Step 1
Collect all the checks that are given to you. Without this document, it is almost impossible to prove that you paid money. Checks, agreement, warranty card must be kept until their expiration date.
Step 2
Read the terms of service. By law, they must be available to every client. Ask the company's employees to show you the rules if they could not find them yourself. You will be able to appeal to this document in the event of a conflict. Threaten that you contact the regulatory authorities. Contact there with a complaint if your money is not returned.
Step 3
Write a written complaint if the quality of the service does not suit you. In it, indicate when, where and what service you were provided with. Clarify the reasons why you are requesting a refund. Refer to Article 29 of the Consumer Protection Law and demand compensation for the harm caused to you. You have the right to free elimination of defects, a proportional reduction in the cost of the service provided, to re-perform the work. It is also possible to reimburse the costs that you incurred by independently eliminating the identified shortcomings of the service provided or by resorting to the help of other persons. Don't settle for options other than a refund. Argument that you are not satisfied with the quality of work, and you do not want to take any more risks.
Step 4
Proceed in the same way if the service was not provided to you, and the money was debited from your account. Usually such situations arise with cellular operators. In your written claim, indicate that the so-called service was connected without your consent. State that in this case, the actions of the provider can be qualified as fraud under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. And demand an immediate refund. A similar message can be written on the website of your mobile operator in the section dedicated to feedback from subscribers or their support.
Step 5
Contact a lawyer if you are having problems getting your money back. Municipal consumer protection departments provide free advice. Take a look at specialized community organizations that are involved in consumer support all the way to court. But be careful: this service may also be of poor quality. Therefore, do not give money in advance, agree to pay for the work only when the result is achieved.