Any vehicle you bought must be registered with the state control authorities. In our country, such authorities are MREO and GAI. Without a driving permit, you will not be able to move freely around the country.

Step 1
The registration process can take many months, so be patient and follow the pre-planned sequence of steps. It is only necessary to register a car as a vehicle fleet if you are acting as a legal entity and are a representative of any organization, regardless of the form of ownership. The Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB register vehicles in a special order.
Step 2
If you want to open a car fleet, first register it with the military commissariat. Then get approval from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate. To do this, provide the head of the district traffic police department with statutory documents, agreements for renting a parking lot and premises, for maintenance, and so on.
Step 3
After all this, register your vehicle fleet with MREO. This completes the process of opening the automobile economy. If you do not have time to go through all the procedures yourself, entrust the registration to experienced professionals who will do everything in the best possible way. The implementation of all of the above actions is necessary, since if you do not pass the registration, in accordance with Russian law, you will not have the right to use your vehicle for its intended purpose. In case of disobedience, you will be subject to penalties in accordance with Art. 12.1 of the RF Code of Administrative Offenses.
Step 4
After completing the registration of such an entity as the State Unitary Enterprise Automotive Service, you will be given a special autocode, which includes all the technical data about the fleet in encrypted form. If you change the address of a legal entity, inform the district traffic police department about it.
Step 5
There are many gray schemes that will allow a vehicle to be used by a legal entity without registering the vehicle fleet with government agencies. However, you should not commit illegal acts. Adhere to the existing legislation and you, as the head of the car fleet, will be able to avoid many problems. That will allow you to continue to lead the company to success.