Passive sales allow you to make a profit without actively attracting customers. Often used when it comes to products known to consumers, about a product that sells itself. During passive sales, we work with clients who already know what they need.

Passive sales - the sale of goods and services without active actions on the part of the seller or manufacturer. They enable the buyer to independently familiarize themselves with the products and make a choice. In this situation, the client himself contacts the company of interest at the moment when he wishes it. This happens regardless of the source of information about the product. This can be word of mouth, advertisements, the internet, or product reviews. An example where this method is actively used is a grocery store, a supermarket, an online store.
Benefits of Passive Selling for Customers
A person performs actions at a convenient time and at an optimal pace. He is not under open pressure from the selling company. Most of the clients are people who have already become interested in the products, if they contact the managers of the company, then only to clarify the information of interest.
Disadvantages of Passive Selling for a Sales Firm
It is believed that this direction is difficult to predict and practically uncontrollable. In this case, sellers work exclusively with “hot customers” without building up a customer base. Firm employees cannot influence their client. Moreover, if the marketing department has done poorly in promoting products, then passive sales will not bring profit. Therefore, their main goal is to retain a customer or customer who has come.
The specifics of passive sales
Often this type of marketing is used by companies that can afford to invest in advertising. Today, many entrepreneurs strive for this type, but in order to get closer to it, you need to know the characteristics of your buyer, anticipate his desires, find an approach and be able to retain a client.
From a psychological point of view, passive selling works great because the client likes to be trusted and allowed to make a decision without pressure from the seller. Therefore, this model is successful as long as the salesperson responds quickly, taking into account the needs of the client. For this, special methods and technologies are used. For example, the main factors are the convenient location of the store, the popularity of the product, and promotions.
If up to 15% of new clients of the company are "hot", that is, they came without the efforts of the sales department, in this case we can say that the marketing policy of the company is built correctly.