Investing money in a bank is the easiest way to protect your funds from inflation. Choosing a bank, deposit and investment instruments can take time, but the game is worth the candle - a well-functioning savings system will allow you to control your cash flows and ensure financial well-being.

Step 1
Choosing the right bank is one of the most important steps in creating your own financial system. Sberbank has the most extensive network of ATMs and branches in the country, Alfa-Bank will save time due to the small number of queues and a convenient online system. VTB offers favorable lending terms and high interest rates on deposits.
Step 2
Having decided on the bank, you can start analyzing the proposals for deposits. They can be divided into short-term, medium-term and long-term. Depending on the duration, the value of the interest rate also varies: the longer the period, the higher the percentage. On the other hand, be careful about the terms of the agreement - when investing money for three or five years, all interest may burn out if you take the money before the end of the deposit term.
Step 3
Investment instruments differ in their yield and level of risk. You can make a deposit not only in rubles, but also in foreign currency, precious metals, bonds. In the bank, you can buy shares or put money on brokerage management. Each of the tools has its own pros and cons. So, a deposit in dollars or euros will allow you to play on an increase in the exchange rate, save on inflation; but banks offer a low interest rate of only 5% per annum. Management of brokers will allow you to earn up to 10% per month, but there is also the likelihood of losing a significant amount of investment.
Step 4
To sign a deposit agreement, you will need a passport, in rare cases - a TIN. Carefully read the conditions for the possibility of replenishing your account. Some banks allow the amount of the deposit to be diluted with new injections, while others veto this operation. In the first, interest is reinvested (“compound interest” works).
Step 5
If you consider the bank not as a means of keeping money from inflation and a way of earning money, but want to protect your savings from robbers, you can use the “safe box” service. It is also suitable for storing valuable documents, jewelry, antiques.