The calculation of the payroll directly depends on the amount of funds approved by the company's estimate. In the formula for determining wages, the calculated tariff standard for each employee of the company, regulated in the current financial year, is taken into account. You will need data on the total amount of wages, on the total number of working hours, on the number of employees.

Step 1
Determine the payroll as the most important criterion in planning the remuneration of employees. After all, its total value reflects the total amount of financial assets of your company.
Step 2
Clearly build a structure for the payment of monetary resources. For this purpose, select several categories of payroll funds.
Step 3
Calculate the monthly fund by adding the total indicators of the daily wage fund and additional payments associated with non-working and holiday trips to work. This also includes vacation, sick leave and severance pay.
Step 4
You will receive the next day fund by summing up the hourly wage fund and additional payments associated with in-shift breaks.
Step 5
Finally, the hourly wage fund is calculated taking into account the cash payment rate fund. To do this, you must determine the indicator of the salary that is paid to the employee in accordance with a certain rate. Add this value to the amount of additional payments for the hours worked. The formula will include night shifts and approved bonus incentives.
Step 6
By analyzing, planning and defining the future indicators of payroll funds, you will calculate the index and standard coefficient for the average monthly, daily average and average hourly value of employees' wages.
Step 7
If you need to find out the salary, which is calculated per one employee of the company on average per month, then take the total monthly wage fund as a basis. Divide it by your average headcount.
Step 8
To get the average daily wage, divide the daily wage bill by the time workers worked. If there is a need to take out the value of the average hourly wage, then divide the total hourly wage fund by the number of hours worked.