The Swiss bank is a symbol of reliability and prosperity. A Swiss bank account has been the dream of many Russian businessmen since the 1990s. Now, many more Russians can open an account in a Swiss bank than before, although the procedure differs in some difficult moments.

Step 1
Swiss banks check the reputation of their potential clients very carefully. There are serious demands on potential clients - both regarding their personality and regarding the amount of funds that need to be invested. The sources of these funds are also very seriously checked.
Step 2
The first thing to do in order to open an account with a Swiss bank is to go to the tax office of your place of residence and get permission to open an account. This authorization must be mailed to a Swiss bank. In response, the bank will send a receipt for payment for opening an account and a list of documents that must be provided. The lists of documents may vary depending on the bank.
Step 3
As a rule, it will be necessary to provide the following documents:
1. copies of the passport (all pages, with translation).
2. documents confirming the legality of your income (certificate from the place of work, documents confirming the purchase and sale of real estate, securities, commercial contracts with counterparties, etc.). These documents will also need to be translated.
In addition to all this, it is also good to provide feedback about you from your business partner or acquaintance who already has an account with this bank.
Step 4
Having received the documents, the Swiss bank will begin the due diligence procedure - this is the name of the legal verification of documents. Only those who pass it successfully will open an account. You can fail this check for various reasons - it all depends on the bank. For example, Swiss bankers may be alarmed by a small amount of funds in your account, too many small account transactions, etc.
Step 5
To open an account in a Swiss bank, you will need to pay somewhere around 500 euros. The amount of the deposit that the client will have to make to the account varies depending on the bank and can be up to half a million euros. However, most banks still put forward more modest requirements. Interest rates on deposits are also different from 3% to 15% per annum.