Most people care about money. At the same time, those who have free funds are worried about their safety. Of course, you can keep money at home, but opening an account would be a more efficient option. Here, too, problems arise, since Choosing a reliable bank can be tricky. The most reliable Swiss bank is rightfully considered.

Step 1
Back in the 1990s, all of Russia learned about the reliability of the Swiss bank. At that time, a rare businessman could access an account with this organization. Now the number of Russians who have become clients of the Swiss bank has increased. However, this procedure is still fraught with difficult moments.
Step 2
If you want to open a Swiss bank account, take care of your reputation. The fact is that such organizations are very sensitive to their clients, therefore they do not allow unscrupulous businessmen to join their ranks. In order not to be mistaken, Swiss banks verify the identity of the potential client, the availability of funds and their source.
Step 3
To deposit money in a Swiss bank, go straight to the tax office assigned to your area. Here you must be given permission to open this account. Send the received document to the selected Swiss bank and wait for the receipt for the payment for opening the account. You will also be sent a list of documents that are required to carry out this operation.
Step 4
The list of required documents will differ depending on the Swiss bank. In most cases, this list contains the following papers: - A photocopy of all pages of the passport with their translation;
- Documents with which you can confirm the legality of funds (certificate from the place of work, a copy of securities, sales contracts, etc.). Also prepare translation of all pages.
Step 5
If you want to speed up the process of opening an account, provide the representative of this organization with letters of recommendation from partners or just acquaintances who have already become the owners of a deposit in a Swiss bank. Once the Swiss bank has verified the documents, you will receive your own account. However, before doing so, pay a fee for this operation in the amount of EUR 500.