To transfer taxes to the budget from his current account, the owner must issue a payment order for the bank so that the economist can carry out the operation. In principle, the client can independently send payments to the budget with the help of the client-bank, but the tax inspectorate will still need confirmation of sending the payment, certified by the bank's seal.

It is necessary
Details of the purpose of the payment
Step 1
A payment order for transferring taxes to a budgetary organization differs from a regular order, since additional requirements are imposed on it.
Step 2
For each type of tax, the account holder must issue a separate order. One document must indicate only one type of payment according to the budget classification code.
Step 3
When filling out the document, the specific value of the indicator of the settlement document must be indicated in field 104-110, unless payments to the budget are transferred without opening a current account. In this case, zeros are inserted in field 104-110.
Step 4
The code in accordance with the general classifier of objects of territorial division is put in field 105.
Step 5
Then it is necessary to indicate in field 106 the basis for the transfer of funds, which has a value consisting of 2 characters: "TR" - the requirement to repay the debt of the tax authority, "TP" - current payments; “BF” - current payments of an individual who owns a bank account; "ZD" - self-repayment of debts for past periods, without the requirement of the tax authority; "OT" - deferred debt.
Step 6
The indicator of the tax period is indicated in field 107, it has 10 characters and is used to indicate a specific payment date or frequency, which can be annual, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly.
Step 7
The indicator of the document number is indicated in field 108 and depends on the basis of the payment. Zero is set if voluntary, current payments are made, and also if there is no requirement of the tax authority.
Step 8
The indicator of the order date is also indicated in field 109, it is similar to field 107.
Step 9
The indicator of the type of payment is put in field 110 and has the form: "PL" - payment of the payment, "NS" - payment of tax, "GP" - state duty, "PE" - payment of penalties, "ВЗ" - contribution, "CA" - payment tax sanctions, "PC" - accrued interest and "ASh" - administrative fines.
Step 10
The purpose of the payment must include any additional information that will help the recipient to identify the sender.