When To Take 6-ndfl For The 4th Quarter Of

When To Take 6-ndfl For The 4th Quarter Of
When To Take 6-ndfl For The 4th Quarter Of

The holidays are not over yet, and many are already thinking about how to pay taxes on time. One of the most important taxes in recent years is 6-NDFL, the deadline for which must be strictly observed.

6-personal income tax
6-personal income tax

Everyone knows that late submission of reports for the previous period entails financial losses and troubles with the tax service. So, in order to prevent a fine or blocking of the current account, it is necessary to hand over 6-NDFL for 2018 on time.

The 6-NDFL form is significantly new, it was approved in 2015, but it is already widespread. but deadlines. It is necessary to report for each quarter. That is, for the first quarter you need to submit a report before April 30, for the second - before July 31, for the third - before October 31. If the deadline falls on a weekend, then a report must be made on the next working day according to the calendar. But what about the annual reporting (for the 4th quarter of 2018)?

Here the terms have been greatly increased. So, in 2019, it is allowed to submit the 6-NDFL form for the past 2018 until April 1. If you report later than the proposed date, you will face a fine of one thousand rubles for each full month. The countdown will start from April 1, 2019, and will end on the day when the 6-NDFL declaration gets to the tax authority.

It should be remembered that if the number of employees of an organization or an individual entrepreneur does not exceed 25 people, then they submit a declaration on paper:

  • bring to the tax office on their own;
  • sent by mail.

With a number of more than 25 people, the 6-NDFL declaration is submitted in electronic form.

Without violating the legal deadlines, you can easily avoid blocking the account and penalties in the form of 1,000 rubles.
