How To Get A Loan Online

How To Get A Loan Online
How To Get A Loan Online

Preparing for the New Year, celebration, New Year's holidays. So many days off, I want to please family and friends with gifts, a country trip or just shopping. Finding the strength for all this is not easy. Finding money for all this is even more difficult.

Loan online
Loan online

When you need money, but you don't want to borrow it, you can go the other way - apply for a loan online.

Today, online loans are the most demanded financial product in our country. Moreover, it is accessible to absolutely everyone. Of course, there are also disadvantages, but there are undoubtedly more advantages.

Why are online loans so popular?

The main reason for the popularity of the so-called “quick loans” among the people is their availability anytime, anywhere. This means that money can be received day and night, having with you any equipment that has access to the Internet.

Are you at home, went on a trip, miss a business trip, broke down on the way? - there is an exit.

In addition, there are additional positive factors affecting the convenience of obtaining loans online.

Benefits of online loans:

- no documents are required at the initial stage. Only with an approved loan, specialists from microfinance organizations can request a copy or photo of a passport;

- loans are issued even with bad credit history;

- You can get a loan as you like: in cash, on a card, on a bank account, e-wallets;

- no one checks what you will spend your money on;

- the first loan can be obtained completely free of charge (subject to repayment during the grace period);

- it is even easier to get each repeated loan, it is even possible via SMS, the amount of the limit increases, the level of trust or the status of the client - too;

- Regular customers are provided with various pleasant bonuses: several free loans, money for a phone, prize draws, lower interest rates, discounts on the next loan, etc.;

- with the help of microloans, you can improve your credit history.

How to apply

You can apply for a loan in 5 minutes.

Basic data to be provided:

1. Surname, name, patronymic.

2. Date of birth.

3. Passport data. Note not the passport itself, but the data. However, if a positive decision is made on your application, specialists may request a scanned copy of your passport.

4. Answers to the questions: what is your income, monthly loan expenditures, how many children, for which loans you need. Nobody checks the answers. But you still need to remember them, because in some cases a specialist can call and clarify the details. So he will ask the same questions. This is perhaps the only test of all time.

5. The amount and term are optional. The fact is that on the website of each microfinance organization (hereinafter referred to as "MFO") there is a calculator, which simultaneously serves as a button "submit an application". That is, you put the slider on the desired amount and period and press the button "Get money" or "Submit an application", this button is definitely impossible to miss. Immediately after that, the registration window in the system opens, and further questions are already on the way.


How to choose exactly where to apply?

Each microfinance organization has its own website. But there are aggregator sites. These are sites that collect offers from all MFIs. Through such a site, you can fill out one application, which will automatically be sent to all major MFIs.

You can do it differently. Go to the aggregator site. Look at the conditions for all loans on one page, as a rule, on the main one. Select an MFI that has a lower interest rate, a higher likelihood of a loan, and conditions. Then enter the name of this MFO into a Google or Yandex search engine. And already on the official website, fill out the application.

What's next?

Option 1 - submitting an application through aggregator sites.

Get ready for a flurry of SMS and calls from different MFIs and banks. One part will notify you of the pre-approved loan and you will need to go to the official website and proceed with the application. The second part will ask additional questions by phone, and then specialists will accompany you remotely until you receive a loan. And the third part will invite you to meetings at the office of an MFI or bank.

With regard to the third part of financial institutions, the following should be clarified. If you have a bad credit history and you have repeatedly applied to banks, then do not get fooled by the words of experts that they will definitely issue a loan, you just need to come to the bank. They won't give it out. Just waste your time.


Option 2 - submitting an application directly through the websites of the selected MFIs.

Everything is simple here. Follow the instructions on the site when filling out the form. The result of the possibility of issuing a loan can be seen immediately on the website or via the received SMS. Well, then you need to choose a way to receive money, indicate the number of your card or e-wallet, and receive money. All this takes a maximum of 20 minutes.

As soon as you receive the money, it is recommended to immediately set yourself a reminder of the loan repayment period. It is better to pay off the loan on time so as not to overpay for it. In addition, the next loan in the same MFI may be even more profitable. In a competitive environment, MFIs try not to lose their clients.

This method works if you need money now, you are ready to borrow it, but at the same time there is an opportunity to return it on time. Then you can get the required amount and not pay anything for it.

On the same aggregator sites, look for the section "first loan for free", "loan without interest" and so on. Get such a loan or loans. Return it on time.

Online loans are the fastest way to get money. But you should be careful and careful. You don't have to take loans all the time. This can imperceptibly lead to large, very large debts.
