Concessional lending has always been and remains popular and in demand among the population. The state is constantly developing and introducing targeted loan programs to support families, businesses and even entire industries. What are the types of concessional loans and what are the conditions for obtaining concessional loans?

Step 1
Concessional credit card loan. Such loans are characterized by low or no interest rates. They can be received, for example, by retirees, students. You can get a loan without interest by applying for a credit card. Usually banks set aside 50 days for an interest-free period, although depending on the specific bank, the terms may differ slightly.
Step 2
Concessional loans to pensioners. Today, a widespread program for issuing loans to people who have reached retirement age. For women it is from 55 to 75 years old, for men from 60 to 75 years old. Interest rates range from 15 to 17 percent. An application for a soft loan is considered within two days, and the maximum amount is up to 1.5 million rubles.
Step 3
Preferential loan for a large family. If there are three or more children under the age of 18 in the family, you can get a mortgage loan of up to 15 million rubles for a period of up to 30 years. If children study in higher or secondary specialized institutions, then the grace period is extended upon reaching the age of 23 years. Military service time is also included in the grace period. The first loan payment can be deferred for 3 years. A quarter of the total amount of the mortgage debt is paid by the family, while the rest can be paid off at the expense of government subsidies.
Step 4
Preferential construction loan for a young family. Such a mortgage loan allows you to buy an apartment or start building your own home. In the latter case, the state subsidy is up to 40 percent of the cost of housing. The most important condition for the provision of this loan is the spouses' constant work and their ability to pay, Russian citizenship and insured housing.
Step 5
Concessional loans for business. Individual entrepreneurs and organizations can take out a loan without collateral for the development of their business if they prove the profitability of their business and show a good business plan. Banks are willing to provide loans to organizations representing national interests or the development of new technologies.
Step 6
Preferential car loan. Cars manufactured in the territory of the Russian Federation, costing less than 600 thousand rubles, can be purchased on preferential terms - from 7.5 to 9.5 percent for a period of up to 3 years. Such a lending program includes domestic car brands (VAZ, GAZ, etc.) and foreign (Ford Focus, Renault Logan, etc.).
Step 7
Concessional loans for veterans. In accordance with the law, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and combatants have the right to receive loans on preferential terms for the purchase or construction of housing, household plots, etc. But, unfortunately, in practice it is difficult to achieve this, since the funds for the provision of these concessional loans must be allocated from the state reserves and local budgets. In addition, banks consider this category of citizens to be insolvent.