Free Telephone Hotline Of Alfa-Bank

Free Telephone Hotline Of Alfa-Bank
Free Telephone Hotline Of Alfa-Bank

Alfa-Bank is the largest private credit institution in Russia, providing clients with a full range of banking services. The bank has several telephone lines for communication with technical support, one of which is free of charge.

Free telephone hotline of Alfa-Bank
Free telephone hotline of Alfa-Bank

How to call the toll-free hotline

A free hot line for communication with Alfa-Bank clients is available at 8 (800) 200-00-00. You can call it from any city of the Russian Federation and abroad. It should be noted that calls from abroad are determined by the service automatically, and the client is directly contacted with one of the operators to save time.

Residents of Moscow can also use the special number +7 (495) 78-888-78. Calls to it can be profitable or even free within the city for individual citizens. It also allows you to get in touch with the support representatives more quickly if you need to talk to them in person.

Each of the bank's clients is offered to activate the "Alfa-consultant" service free of charge. It allows not only to contact support more conveniently, but also to perform various banking operations on their own accounts and cards: bank employees will see who is making a call. It will be enough to select a specially provided option in the voice menu to pass authorization. Individuals who are not customers of the bank or who have refused the service are given fewer opportunities when using the hotline.

Possibilities of the free number of "Alfa-Bank"

After calling the toll-free number 8 (800) 200-00-00, the client is in the voice menu, where he will need to press one of the keys on the telephone to get help on a certain type of service. When you press the number "1" on the phone, you go to the "Cards" menu, where you can activate or block existing credit or debit cards, as well as order new ones. Item “2” opens access to the menu on loans with the ability to obtain various data on available loan products. Item "3" is devoted to bank deposits, "4" - to mobile services, and "5" allows you to assess the quality of banking services.

If you need to personally contact the operator of the support service, and not listen to automatic instructions, press "0" while in the main menu, or just wait a while. Please note that sometimes all operators may be busy and you will have to wait a few minutes until one of them becomes free.

If you wish, you can contact the bank's representative office for free by sending an online letter from the "Feedback" section on the organization's official website. The answer will come to your personal email within a few business days. In addition, you can always contact the nearest branch of the bank to obtain information on any type of service.
