A feature and one of the main characteristics of the Unified Imputed Income Tax (UTII) is a simplified approach to its calculation, thanks to which it is not difficult to calculate UTII for an individual entrepreneur engaged in the relevant activity.

Step 1
UTII is a special tax regime established for certain types of activities. These include:
• Veterinary and personal services
• Repair and washing of vehicles
• Passenger and freight road transport
• Retail trade with a floor area of less than 150 sq.m.
• Placement of outdoor advertising and advertising on vehicles
You can see a complete list of activities falling under UTII in article 346.26 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. To calculate UTII for an individual entrepreneur engaged in any of these types of activities, you also need to find out the corresponding basic profitability.
Step 2
Article 346.29 of the Tax Code presents the objects of taxation of UTII and the tax base, calculated from physical indicators and the established values of the monthly base rate of return. So, for example, in order to calculate UTII for an individual entrepreneur engaged in passenger transportation, the number of seats of his vehicle should be multiplied by 1,500 rubles.
Step 3
Additionally, the basic profitability is multiplied by the coefficients K1 and K2. K1 is a deflator coefficient set annually by the Government of the Russian Federation. K2 is a coefficient that takes into account the specifics of conducting each type of activity. It is established at the regional level.
Step 4
Multiplying the basic profitability by physical indicators and correcting coefficients to calculate UTII for individual entrepreneurs in one month, multiply the resulting number by 15%. To calculate UTII for a quarter, this value should be multiplied by 3, if the main physical indicator has not changed during this time.