It is not easy to save some amount by saving from wages, denying oneself excesses, but it is even harder to save this money, to save it from inflation. At the same time, I would like this money not to be “dead weight”, but to bring at least a small profit.

It is necessary
- - passport;
- - cash.
Step 1
First of all, you need to choose what will be your priority - whether you intend to simply save the accumulated amount, protect it from possible theft, or increase it, however with the risk that the amount may decrease. High profitability is always associated with more risky operations.
Step 2
If you prefer to keep the amount you have, the best option would be to invest in a stable bank. Do not pay attention to the loud calls of unfamiliar one-day banks, which can deprive you of such difficult collected money. Choose a deposit that can be replenished, but from which you cannot withdraw money - this way there will be less temptation to withdraw "just a little" for some small change.
Step 3
Also, the level of profitability and reliability comparable to a bank deposit can be provided by bonds of large stable companies. A low percentage of income, a long term - from a year or more - all this will help save money, but not increase its amount. In both cases, the interest rate barely compensates for real inflation, that is, the depreciation of the purchasing power of money.
Step 4
Acquisition of shares of large companies can bring big profits - as a rule, their value in the long term increases significantly, in addition, such an investment can provide you with good dividends received per share. However, it must be remembered that even stable companies are subject to the risk of depreciation and bankruptcy. If you are not well versed in the movements of the stock market, you can give the funds in trust to a qualified broker.
Step 5
If you have a large amount of money available, one of the most profitable investment vehicles is buying a home. In particular, the cost of housing during construction may increase by 50-70%. Therefore, with a certain degree of risk, it is profitable to buy apartments in Moscow and St. Petersburg at an early stage of construction, then in 2-3 years the amount of your savings will increase significantly. In addition, this investment has practical applications.