The creation of any product requires the expenditure of various resources: monetary, labor, natural, land, etc. To determine the cost of marketable products, you need to sum up all the financial costs associated with its production and sale.

Step 1
To calculate the cost of production, several methods are used, depending on how costs are accounted for: standard, process-by-process, per-process, and order-by-order. In addition, there are several types of cost, depending on various factors, for example, on the degree of product readiness: gross, marketable and sold.
Step 2
To determine the cost of marketable products, you need to add up the value of the production cost and overhead costs, such as packaging of goods, transportation, storage in a warehouse, various commission fees, etc.: Stp = PS + NR.
Step 3
The production cost is formed from the total production costs less non-production costs and deferred income. The first value is the sum of the following components: - material costs (purchase of materials, semi-finished products, raw materials, equipment, consumed energy and fuel); - depreciation expenses (restoration of depreciated fixed assets); - remuneration of employees; - contributions to social funds (pensions, insurance), etc.
Step 4
Non-production costs: - expenses for capital construction or repair work at the enterprise; - payment for third-party transport; - expenses for economic activities not related to the main production.
Step 5
According to the standard method, the standard cost is calculated in advance for each product, and during the reporting period, adjustments are made in accordance with the current standards. In the event of a deviation from the norm, its cause is established, and at the end of the period, the full cost of marketable products is formed as a standard value, taking into account deviations and changes in norms.
Step 6
To determine the cost of commercial products using the process-by-process method, you need to divide the production cycle into processes and keep actual records for each of them. With the alternating method, the cycle is divided into stages, each of which ends with the creation of an intermediate or finished product.
Step 7
The order-by-order method involves cost accounting for each individual order. Orders can be for different quantities of products and at different prices, the totality of all costs is formed at the stage of execution. The unit cost in this case is obtained by dividing the total by the volume of the consignment.